Daniel Rubenstein Podcast

Lahav Harkov: Israeli Foreign Policy and Politics

Daniel Rubenstein

Lahav Harkov is the Senior Contributing Editor and Diplomatic Correspondent of The Jerusalem Post. Her responsibilities include reporting on and analyzing Israel's relations with the world, the Prime Minister's office, the National Security Council, the Foreign Ministry, and more. She has interviewed major figures across the Israeli political spectrum and is well-connected to the country's top lawmakers and diplomats.
She is often invited to lecture on Israeli government and politics, and international news outlets, such as the BBC, France 24 and Sky News have sought her insights and analysis about breaking news.
Harkov grew up in New Jersey, making aliyah at age 17, where she did two years of National Service (Sherut Leumi) at museums dealing with Jewish and Israeli history. Harkov has a degree in Political Science and Communications at Bar-Ilan University.

This episode was recorded on February 27, 2022.

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Listen to Lahav on the Jerusalem Post Podcast: https://www.jpost.com/podcast

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